从 "发达 "国家可以汲取哪些对发展中经济体和新兴经济体有用的经验教训?本书以长期增长和发展为重点,从历史角度介绍了一些发达国家的发展战略。每个案例研究通常介绍该国的 "成功 "以及这些成功的根本原因。本书分为三个部分,包括北欧国家(芬兰、挪威、瑞典和丹麦)、其他工业发达国家(日本、爱尔兰和瑞士)以及转型经济体(捷克、匈牙利和波兰)。虽然该书强调发展战略基本上是因国家和具体情况而异的,但历史叙述中充满了反复出现的主题,这些主题应能为发展中国家和新兴经济体提供有益的借鉴。
What lessons can be learnt from 'developed' countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long-term growth and development, this book provides historical accounts of the development strategies of a select set of advanced countries. Each case study typically presents the country's 'successes' and the root causes of those successes. Organized into three parts, it covers The Nordics (Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark), Other Industrially Advanced Countries (Japan, Ireland, and Switzerland), and Transition Economies (Czech, Hungary, and Poland). Although the book stresses that development strategies are, by and large, country and context-specific, the historical accounts are full of recurrent themes, which should provide useful lessons for developing countries and emerging economies.
Table of Content
1:Development Success: Historical Accounts from the More Advanced Countries, Augustin Kwasi Fosu
Part I: The Nordics: Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark
2:The Finnish Developmental State and its Growth Regime, Markus Jäntti and Juhana Vartiainen
3:Can Norway Be a Role Model for Natural Resource Abundant Countries?, Ådne Cappelen and Lars Mjøset
4:The Swedish Model, Ari Kokko
5:The Danish Model and the Globalizing Learning Economy: Lessons for Developing Countries, Bengt-Åke Lundvall
6:The Nordic Development Models: The Riddle is Still There, But We May Be a Little Wiser, Juhana Vartiainen
Part II: Other Advanced Industrialized Countries: Japan, Ireland, Switzerland
7:Japan's Model of Economic Development: Relevant and Non-relevant Elements for Developing Economies, Fukunari Kimura
8:Committing to Economic Openness in Ireland: The Importance of Domestic Institutional Capabilities, Paul Teague and Denise Currie
9:Switzerland's Rise to a Wealthy Nation: Competition and Contestability as Key Success Factors, Beatrice Weder and Rolf Weder
10:Country Role Models: Japan, Ireland, and Switzerland, Ronald Findlay
Part III: Transition Economies: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland
11:The Czech Transition: The Importance of Microeconomic Fundamentals, Jan Svejnar and Milica Uvalic
12:Hungary: The Janus-faced Success Story of Transition, László Csaba
13:A Two-Thirds Rate of Success: Polish Transformation and Economic Development, 1989- 2008, Grzegorz Kolodko
14:Lessons from Transition Economies: Putting the Success Stories of the Post-communist World into a Broader Perspective, Vladimir Popov
本书由Augustin Fosu (社会科学部 Distinguished Fellow)主编,因其出色的学术影响力与良好的声誉,故而我们代表Prof Fosu在此推荐此著作给对发展经济学或国际发展研究感兴趣的读者。
External Link: Oxford Academic