Based on the request from Prof. Artem R. Oganov FCAcad, we are glad to share the following news for the start of nominations for the VYZOV Prize.
We are pleased to inform you that the VYZOV Foundation has announced the start of nominations for the VYZOV Prize. The Award is given for breakthroughs in fundamental and applied science and engineering. Each Award amounts to 10 million Russian rubles (equivalent to about 100,000.00 US dollars).
There are five categories of the Prize (four of them are focused on Russian-based scientists). We want to draw your attention to the Discovery category, created in 2024 and open to scientists based in any country, without restrictions on nationality, place of residence, or affiliation. The Prize is given to currently active scientists, for achievements made preferably (but not exclusively) during the last 10 years.
VYZOV Foundation allows three ways to be nominated:
nomination by any colleague who is a bona fide scientist;
nomination by any scientific organization (university, research institute, etc).
Nomination forms are short and easy to fill: https://xn--b1aahjdxrcj8iub.xn--p1ai/market/client_en/
We hope that you will spread the information about VYZOV Prize among your colleagues and hope to receive many nominations, from you and them.
«Vyzov» means «challenge» in Russian. VYZOV Foundation is a private, independent, non-governmental body. It has a top-level Scientific Committee, which selects the laureates and guarantees an equal and fair attitude to all candidates. All relevant information, including the nomination form and the list of the members of the Scientific Committee, can be found at: https://премиявызов.рф/en/
We encourage scientists from all corners of the world to apply. Let's push the boundaries of science and technology for a brighter future together.
On behalf of the VYZOV Foundation,
Artem R. Oganov FRSC FCAcad MAE, chairman of the Scientific Committee of the VYZOV Prize
"Science should be free from politics, and knowledge belongs to humanity"
Artem R. Oganov is a theoretical crystallographer and materials scientist. He is a Fellow of the Academy and currently a Professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Crystallography at University College London (UK) and was formerly a professor at the Department of Geosciences & Institute for Advanced Computational Sciences, at Stony Brook University (US). He is also a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Member of Academia Europaea.