Artem R. Oganov's Works in Computational Materials Discovery


阿尔捷姆-奥加诺夫(Prof Artem R. Oganov, Fellow of Core Academy)教授是一位俄罗斯理论晶体学家、矿物学家、化学家、物理学家和材料科学家,因在计算材料发现和晶体结构预测、极端条件下物质研究(包括行星内部物质)方面的工作而闻名。


奥加诺夫教授最重要的研究领域是计算材料发现,特别是压力对化学键的影响,以及极端条件下(如地球内部和其他行星)的物质状态。他开发了新颖高效的晶体结构预测方法,成为 USPEX 代码的基础。其中的亮点包括:发现了硼的超硬相(gamma-B)、钠的透明相、新的碳同素异形体的结构,预测了MgSiO3后透辉石及其在地幔中的稳定性,预测了其他形成行星的矿物,预测并合成了 “禁用 ”化合物(如Na3Cl),发现了氦在压力下的化学性质,并创造了硼吩--一种由硼原子组成的二维单分子层,为未来技术带来了巨大前景。奥加诺夫提出了化学元素电负性和化学硬度的新标度,并将其扩展到高压下。奥加诺夫及其同事能够解释许多不寻常的高压化学现象,并预测新的现象和化合物。对新的高压含水化合物 Mg2SiO5H2 的预测激发了对地球水圈起源的新假设。奥加诺夫及其同事(理论和实验)预测和研究了一些新型超导体,它们是迄今已知温度最高的超导体之一:ThH10 和 ThH9、YH6、(La, Y)H6 和 (La, Y)H10。奥加诺夫开发的计算方法为发现具有所需特性的材料开辟了道路,从而为计算材料发现这一蓬勃发展的新科学领域奠定了基础。


Google Scholar

Crystal structure prediction using ab initio evolutionary techniques: Principles and applications
AR Oganov, CW Glass
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (24)
Synthesis of borophenes: Anisotropic, two-dimensional boron polymorphs
AJ Mannix, XF Zhou, B Kiraly, JD Wood, D Alducin, BD Myers, X Liu, ...
Science 350 (6267), 1513-1516
New developments in evolutionary structure prediction algorithm USPEX
AO Lyakhov, AR Oganov, HT Stokes, Q Zhu
Computer Physics Communications 184 (4), 1172-1182
USPEX—Evolutionary crystal structure prediction
CW Glass, AR Oganov, N Hansen
Computer physics communications 175 (11-12), 713-720
How Evolutionary Crystal Structure Prediction Works and Why
AR Oganov, AO Lyakhov, M Valle
Accounts of chemical research 44 (3), 227-237
Theoretical and experimental evidence for a post-perovskite phase of MgSiO3 in Earth's D″ layer
AR Oganov, S Ono
Nature 430 (6998), 445-448
Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron
AR Oganov, J Chen, C Gatti, Y Ma, Y Ma, CW Glass, Z Liu, T Yu, ...
Nature 457 (7231), 863-867
Transparent dense sodium
Y Ma, M Eremets, AR Oganov, Y Xie, I Trojan, S Medvedev, AO Lyakhov, ...
Nature 458 (7235), 182-185
Superhard monoclinic polymorph of carbon
Q Li, Y Ma, AR Oganov, H Wang, H Wang, Y Xu, T Cui, HK Mao, G Zou
Physical review letters 102 (17), 175506
Report on the sixth blind test of organic crystal structure prediction methods
AM Reilly, RI Cooper, CS Adjiman, S Bhattacharya, AD Boese, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering …
Semimetallic two-dimensional boron allotrope with massless Dirac fermions
XF Zhou, X Dong, AR Oganov, Q Zhu, Y Tian, HT Wang
Physical Review Letters 112 (8), 085502
Phagraphene: a low-energy graphene allotrope composed of 5–6–7 carbon rings with distorted dirac cones
Z Wang, XF Zhou, X Zhang, Q Zhu, H Dong, M Zhao, AR Oganov
Nano letters 15 (9), 6182-6186
Structure prediction drives materials discovery
AR Oganov, CJ Pickard, Q Zhu, RJ Needs
Nature Reviews Materials 4 (5), 331-348
Unexpected stable stoichiometries of sodium chlorides
W Zhang, AR Oganov, AF Goncharov, Q Zhu, SE Boulfelfel, AO Lyakhov, ...
Science 342 (6165), 1502-1505
High-pressure phases of CaCO3: crystal structure prediction and experiment
AR Oganov, CW Glass, S Ono
Earth and planetary science letters 241 (1-2), 95-103
Modern methods of crystal structure prediction
AR Oganov
John Wiley & Sons
A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure
X Dong, AR Oganov, AF Goncharov, E Stavrou, S Lobanov, G Saleh, ...
Nature Chemistry 9 (5), 440-445
A little bit of lithium does a lot for hydrogen
E Zurek, R Hoffmann, NW Ashcroft, AR Oganov, AO Lyakhov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (42), 17640-17643
Accelerating crystal structure prediction by machine-learning interatomic potentials with active learning
EV Podryabinkin, EV Tikhonov, AV Shapeev, AR Oganov
Physical Review B 99 (6), 064114
Rational design of all organic polymer dielectrics
V Sharma, C Wang, RG Lorenzini, R Ma, Q Zhu, DW Sinkovits, G Pilania, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4845



AR Oganov, CW Glass

化学物理学报 124 (24) 2567 2006

硼烷的合成: 各向异性的二维硼多晶体

AJ Mannix, XF Zhou, B Kiraly, JD Wood, D Alducin, BD Myers, X Liu, ...

科学 350 (6267), 1513-1516 2325 2015

进化结构预测算法 USPEX 的新发展

AO Lyakhov, AR Oganov, HT Stokes, Q Zhu

计算机物理通信 184 (4),1172-1182 1261 2013


CW Glass, AR Oganov, N Hansen

计算机物理通讯 175 (11-12),713-720 1243 2006

进化晶体结构预测的工作原理 和原因

AR Oganov, AO Lyakhov, M Valle

化学研究帐户 44 (3), 227-237 1175 2011

地球 D″层中氧化镁硅石后相的理论和实验证据

AR Oganov, S Ono

自然》430 (6998),445-448 1101 2004


AR Oganov, J Chen, C Gatti, Y Ma, Y Ma, CW Glass, Z Liu, T Yu, ...

自然 457 (7231), 863-867 997 2009


Y Ma, M Eremets, AR Oganov, Y Xie, I Trojan, S Medvedev, AO Lyakhov, ...

自然 458 (7235),182-185 875 2009


Q Li, Y Ma, AR Oganov, H Wang, H Wang, Y Xu, T Cui, HK Mao, G Zou

物理评论快报 102 (17), 175506 606 2009


AM Reilly, RI Cooper, CS Adjiman, S Bhattacharya, AD Boese, ...

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering ... 578 2016


XF Zhou, X Dong, AR Oganov, Q Zhu, Y Tian, HT Wang

物理评论快报 112 (8), 085502 574 2014

法拉石墨烯:一种由具有扭曲狄拉克锥的 5-6-7 碳环组成的低能石墨烯同素异形体

Z Wang, XF Zhou, X Zhang, Q Zhu, H Dong, M Zhao, AR Oganov

Nano letters 15 (9), 6182-6186 560 2015


AR Oganov, CJ Pickard, Q Zhu, RJ Needs

自然-材料评论 4 (5)、331-348 508 2019


W Zhang, AR Oganov, AF Goncharov, Q Zhu, SE Boulfelfel, AO Lyakhov, ...

科学 342 (6165), 1502-1505 501 2013

CaCO3 的高压相:晶体结构预测与实验

AR Oganov, CW Glass, S Ono

地球和行星科学通讯 241 (1-2), 95-103 402 2006


AR Oganov

John Wiley & Sons 379 2011


X Dong, AR Oganov, AF Goncharov, E Stavrou, S Lobanov, G Saleh, ...

自然-化学 9 (5), 440-445 329 2017


E Zurek, R Hoffmann, NW Ashcroft, AR Oganov, AO Lyakhov

美国国家科学院院刊》 106 (42), 17640-17643 310 2009


EV Podryabinkin, EV Tikhonov, AV Shapeev, AR Oganov

物理评论 B 99 (6), 064114 309 2019


V Sharma, C Wang, RG Lorenzini, R Ma, Q Zhu, DW Sinkovits, G Pilania, ...

自然通讯 5 (1), 4845 301 2014

其他节选 (来源:

  1. Shutov G.M., Semenok D.V., Kruglov I.A., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Ternary superconducting hydrides in the La–Mg–H system. Materials Today Physics 40, 101300. (pdf-file)

  2. Kruglov I.A., Yanilkin A.V., Propad Yana, Mazitov A.B., Rachitskii P., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Crystal structure prediction at finite temperatures. npj Comp. Mater. 9, 197. (pdf-file)
  3. Vaneeva E.E., Lepeshkin S.V., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Prediction and Rationalization of Abundant C–N–H Molecules in Different Environments. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 8367–8375. (pdf-file)
  4. Maltsev A.P., Chepkasov I.V., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Order–Disorder Phase Transition and Ionic Conductivity in a Li2B12H12 Solid Electrolyte. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 42511-42519. (pdf-file)
  5. Mikhailova A.A., Lepeshkin S.V., Baturin V.S., Maltsev A.P., Uspenskii Y.A., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Ultralow reaction barriers for CO oxidation in Cu–Au nanoclusters. Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 13699-13707. (pdf-file)
  6. Huang H.-M., Zhu Q., Blatov V.A., Oganov A.R., Wei H., Jiang P., Li Y.-L. (2023).
    Novel Topological Motifs and Superconductivity in Li-Cs System. Nano Lett. 23, 5012-5018. (pdf-file)
  7. Chen W., Huang X., Semenok D.V., Chen S., Zhang K., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2023).
    Enhancement of the superconducting critical temperature realized in the La-Ce-H system at moderate pressures. Nature Comm., 14, 2660. (pdf-file)
  8. Rybkovskiy D.V., Lepeshkin S.V., Baturin V.S., Mikhailova A.A., Oganov A.R. (2023).
    Phosphorus nanoclusters and insight into the formation of phosphorus allotropes. Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 1338-1346. (pdf-file)
  9. Semenok D.V., Troyan I.A., Sadakov A.V., Zhou D., Galasso M., Kvashnin A.G., Kruglov I.A., Bykov A.A., Terent’ev K.Y., Cherepanin A.V., Sobolevskiy O.A., Pervakov K.S., Seregin A.Yu., Helm T., Förster T., Grochowiak A.D., Tozer S.W., Nakamoto Y., Shimizu K., Pudalov V.M., Lyubutin I.S., Oganov A.R. (2022).
    Effect of magnetic impurities on superconductivity in LaH10. Adv. Mater., 34, 2204038.(pdf-file)
  10. Lepeshkin S.V., Naumova A.S., Baturin V.S., Oganov A.R. (2022).
    “Magic” molecules and a new look at chemical diversity of hydrocarbons. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 7600-7606.(pdf-file)
  11. Semenok D.V., Chen W., Huang X., Zhou D., Kruglov I.A., Mazitov A.B., Galasso M., Tantardini C., Gonze X., Kvashnin A.G., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2022).
    Sr-Doped Molecular Hydrogen: Synthesis and Properties of SrH22. Adv. Mater. (pdf-file)
  12. Novoselov D.Y., Mazannikova M.A., Korotin D.M., Shorikov A.O., Korotin M.A., Anisimov V.I., Oganov A.R. (2022).
    Localization mechanism of interstitial electronic states in electride mayenite. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 7155-7160. (pdf-file)
  13. Wang Y., Bykov M., Chepkasov I., Samtsevitch A., Bykova E., Zhang X., Jiang S.-q., Greenberg E., Chariton S., Prakapenka V.B., Oganov A.R., Goncharov A.F. (2022).
    Stabilization of hexazine rings in potassium polynitride at high pressure. Nature Chemistry, (pdf-file)
  14. Dong X., Oganov A.R., Cui H., Zhou X.-F., Wang H.-T. (2022).
    Electronegativity and chemical hardness of the elements under pressure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119, e2117416119. (pdf-file)
  15. Boeri L., Hennig R.G., Hirschfeld P.J., Profeta G., Sanna A., Zurek E., Pickett W.E., Amsler M., Dias R., Eremets M., Heil C., Hemley R.J., Liu H., Ma Y., Pierleoni C., Kolmogorov A., Rybin N., Novoselov D., Anisimov V.I., Oganov A.R., Pickard C.J., Bi T., Arita R., Errea I., Pellegrini C., Requist R., Gross E.K.U., Margine E.R., Xie S.R., Quan Y., Hire A., Fanfarillo L. Stewart G.R., Hamlin J.J., Stanev V., Gonnelli R.S., Piatti E., Romanin D., Daghero D., Valenti R. (2022).
    The 2021 room-temperature superconductivity roadmap. J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 34, 183002 (pdf-file)
  16. Li H.F., Oganov A.R., Cui H., Zhou X.-F., Dong X., Wang H.-T. (2022).
    Ultrahigh-pressure magnesium hydrosilicates as reservoirs of water in early Earth. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 035703.(pdf-file)
  17. Fan T., Oganov A.R. (2021).
    Discovery of high performance thermoelectric chalcogenides through first-principles high-throughput screening. J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 13226-13235. (pdf-file)
  18. Chen W., Semenok D.V., Huang X., Shu H., Li X., Duan D., Cui T., Oganov A.R. (2021).
    High-Temperature Superconducting Phases in Cerium Superhydride with a Tc up to 115 K below a Pressure of 1 Megabar. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 117001. (pdf-file).
  19. Yue C., Weng X.-J., Gao G., Oganov A.R., Dong X., Shao X., Wang X., Sun J., Xu B., Wang H.-T., Zhou X.-F., Tian Y. (2021).
    Formation of copper boride on Cu(111). Fundamental Research 1, 482-487. (pdf-file)
  20. Tantardini C., Oganov A.R. (2021)
    Thermochemical electronegativities of the elements.
    Nature Communications 12, 2087 (pdf-file)
  21. Semenok D.V., Troyan I.A., Ivanova A.G., Kvashnin A.G., Kruglov I.A., Hanfland M., Sadakov A.V., Sobolevskiy O.A., Pervakov K.S., Lyubutin I.S., Glazyrin K.V., Giordano N., Karimov D.N., Vasiliev A.L., Akashi R., Pudalov V.M., Oganov A.R. (2021)
    Superconductivity at 253 K in lanthanum–yttrium ternary hydrides.
    Materials Today 48, 18-28. (pdf-file)
  22. Fan T., Oganov A.R. (2021).
    AICON2: A program for calculating transport properties quickly and accurately. Computer Phys. Comm. 266, 108027(pdf-file)
  23. Li H., Min J., Yang Z., Wang Z., Pan S., Oganov A.R. (2021)
    Prediction of Novel van der Waals Boron Oxides with Superior Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Performance.
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 10791–10797 (pdf-file)
  24. Troyan I.A., Semenok D.V., Kvashnin A.G., Sadakov A.V., Sobolevskiy O.A., Pudalov V.M., Ivanova A.G., Prakapenka V.B., Greenberg E., Gavrilyuk A.G., Lyubutin I.S., Struzhkin V.V., Bergara A., Errea I., Bianco R., Calandra M., Mauri F., Monacelli L., Akashi R., Oganov A.R. (2021)
    Anomalous high-temperature superconductivity in YH6.
    Adv. Mater., 2006832 (pdf-file)
  25. Chen W., Semenok D.V., Kvashnin A.G., Huang X., Kruglov I.A., Galasso M., Song H., Duan D., Goncharov A.F., Prakapenka V.B., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2020)
    Synthesis of Molecular Metallic Barium Superhydride: Pseudocubic BaH12.
    Nature Comm 12, 273.(pdf-file)
  26. Semenok D.V., Zhou D., Kvashnin A.G., Huang X., Galasso M., Kruglov I.A., Ivanova A.G., Gavriliuk A.G., Chen W., Tkachenko N.V., Boldyrev A.I., Troyan I., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2021)
    Novel Strongly Correlated Europium Superhydrides.
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 32-40. (pdf-file)
  27. Allahyari Z., Oganov A.R. (2020).
    Nonempirical definition of Mendeleev numbers: organizing the chemical space.
    J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 23867-23878. (pdf-file)
  28. Wang Y., Glazyrin K., Roizen V., Oganov A.R., Chernyshov I., Zhang X., Greenberg E., Prakapenka V.B., Yang X., Jiang S-q., Goncharov A.F. (2020).
    Novel Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrate. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 255702. (pdf-file)
  29. Broadway D.A., Scholten S.C., Tan C., Dontschuk N., Lillie S.E., Johnson B.C., Zheng G., Wang Z., Oganov A.R., Tian S., Li C., Lei H., Wang L., Hollenberg L.C.L., Tetienne J.-P. (2020).
    Imaging domain reversal in an ultrathin van der Waals ferromagnet.
    Adv. Mater., 2003314. (pdf-file)
  30. Miao N., Wang J., Gong Y., Wu J., Niu H., Wang S., Li K., Oganov A.R., Tada T., Hosono H. (2020).
    Computational prediction of boron-based MAX phases and MXene derivatives. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 16, 6947-6957. (pdf-file)
  31. Tikhomirova K.A., Tantardini C., Sukhanova E.V., Popov Z.I., Evlashin S.A., Tarkhov M.A., Zhdanov V.L., Dudin A.A., Oganov A.R., Kvashnin D.G., Kvashnin A.G. (2020).
    Exotic two-dimensional structure: the first case of hexagonal NaCl. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 3821-3827. (pdf-file)
  32. Allahyari Z., Oganov A.R. (2020).
    Coevolutionary search for optimal materials in the space of all possible compounds.
    npj Computational Materials volume 6, Article number: 55. (pdf-file)
  33. Semenok D.V., Kruglov I.A., Savkin I.A., Kvashnin A.G., Oganov A.R. (2020).
    On distributions of superconductivity in metal hydrides. Curr. Opin. Solid State & Mater. Sci. 24, 100808. (pdf-file)
  34. Rybkovskiy D.V., Kvashnin A.G., Kvashnina Yu.A., Oganov A.R. (2020).
    Structure, stability, and mechanical properties of boron-rich Mo-B phases: a computational study.
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2393-2401. (pdf-file)
  35. Zhou D., Semenok D.V., Duan D., Xie H., Chen W., Huang X., Li X., Liu B., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2020).
    Superconducting praseodymium superhydrides. Science Advances 6, eaax6849. (pdf-file)
  36. Zhou D., Semenok D.V., Xie H., Huang X., Duan D., Aperis A., Openeer P.M., Galasso M., Kartsev A.I., Kvashnin A.G., Oganov A.R., Cui T. (2020).
    High-pressure synthesis of magnetic neodymium superhydrides.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 2803-2811. (pdf-file)
  37. Semenok D.V., Kvashnin A.G., Ivanova A.G., Svitlyk V., Fominski V.Yu., Sadakov A.V., Sobolevskiy O.A., Pudalov V.M., Troyan I.A., Oganov A.R. (2020).
    Superconductivity at 161 K in thorium hydride ThH10: synthesis and properties.
    Materials Today 33, 36-44. (pdf-file)
  38. Salke N., Davari Esfahani M.M., Zhang Y., Kruglov I.A., Zhou J., Wang Y., Greenberg E., Prakapenka V.B., Liu J., Oganov A.R., Lin J.-F. (2019).
    Synthesis of clathrate cerium superhydride CeH9 below 100 GPa with atomic hydrogen sublattice.
    Nature Comm. 10, 4453 (pdf-file)
  39. Oganov A.R., Pickard C.J., Zhu Q., Needs R.J. (2019).
    Structure prediction drives materials discovery.
    Nature Rev. Mater. 4, 331-348. (pdf-file)
  40. Niu H., Niu S., Oganov A.R. (2019). Simple and accurate model of fracture toughness of solids. J. Appl. Phys. 125, 065105 (pdf-file)
  41. Lepeshkin S.V., Baturin V.S., Uspenskii Yu.A., Oganov A.R. (2019).
    Method for simultaneous prediction of atomic structure of nanoclusters in a wide area of compositions.
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 102-106. (pdf-file)
  42. Kruglov I.A., Kvashnin A.G., Goncharov A.F., Oganov A.R., Lobanov S.S., Holtgrewe N., Jiang S., Prakapenka V.B., Greenberg E., Yanilkin A.V. (2018).
    Uranium polyhydrides at moderate pressures: Prediction, synthesis, and expected superconductivity.
    Sci. Adv., 4, eaat9776. (pdf-file)
  43. Bushlanov P.V., Blatov V.A., Oganov A.R. (2019). Topology-based crystal structure generator. Comp.Phys. Comm. 236,1-7. (pdf-file)
  44. Oganov A.R. (2018).
    Crystal structure prediction: reflections on present status and challenges.
    Faraday Discussions 211, 643-660. (pdf-file)
  45. Kvashnin A.G., Semenok D.V., Kruglov I.A., Wrona I.A., Oganov A.R. (2018).
    High-temperature superconductivity in a Th-H system under pressure conditions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 10, 43809-43816. (pdf-file)
  46. Streltsov S.V., Roizen V.V., Ushakov A.V., Oganov A.R., Khomskii D.I. (2018).
    Old puzzle of incommensurate crystal structure of calaverite AuTe2 and predicted stability of novel AuTe compound.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.115, 9945-9950.(pdf-file)
  47. Frolov T., Setyawan W., Kurtz R., Marian J., Oganov A.R., Rudd R.E., Zhu Q. (2018).
    Grain boundary phases in bcc metals.
    Nanoscale, 10, 8253 (pdf-file)
  48. Semenok D.V., Kvashnin A.G., Kruglov I.A., and Oganov A.R. (2018).
    Actinium Hydrides AcH10, AcH12, and AcH16 as High-Temperature Conventional Superconductors.
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 1920–1926 (pdf-file)
  49. Shtukenberg A.G., Zhu Q., Carter D.J., Vogt L., Hoja, J., Schneider, E., Song H.X., Pokroy B., Polishchuk I., Tkatchenko A., Oganov A.R., Rohl A.L., Tuckerman M.E., Kahr D. (2017).
    Powder diffraction and crystal structure prediction identify four new coumarin polymorphs.
    Chem. Sci., 8, 4926-4940 (pdf-file)
  50. Dong X., Oganov A. R., Goncharov A. F., Stavrou E., Lobanov S., Saleh G., Qian G.R., Zhu Q., Gatti C., Deringer V. L., Dronskowski R., Zhou X.-F., Prakapenka V. B., Konôpková Z., Popov I. A., Boldyrev A. I., Wang H.-T. (2017).
    A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure.
    Nature Chemistry, 9, 440–445 (pdf-file)
  51. Stavrou E., Lobanov S.V., Dong H.F., Oganov A.R., Prakapenka V.B., Konopkova Z., Goncharov A.F. (2016).
    Synthesis of ultra-incompressible sp3-hybridized carbon nitride with 1:1 stoichiometry.
    Chem. Mater. 28, 6925-6033 (pdf-file)
  52. Lepeshkin S., Baturin V., Tikhonov E., Matsko N., Uspenskii Y., Naumova A., Feya O., Schoonen M.A., Oganov A.R. (2016).
    Super-oxidation of silicon nanoclusters: magnetism and reactive oxygen species at the surface.
    Nanoscale 8, 1816-1820 (pdf-file)
  53. An Q., Reddy K.M., Dong H.F., Chen M.-W., Oganov A.R., Goddard, W.A. III. (2016).
    Nanotwinned Boron Suboxide (B6O): New Ground State of B6O.
    Nano Letters 16, 4236-4242 (pdf-file)
  54. Zhu Q., Shtukenberg A., Carter D., Yu T.Q., Yang J.X., Chen M., Raiteri P., Oganov A.R., Pokroy B., Polishchuk I., Bygrave P., Day G., Rohl A., Tuckerman M., Kahr B. (2016).
    Resorcinol Crystallization from the Melt: A New Ambient Phase and New “Riddles”.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 4881-4889 (pdf-file)
  55. Yu X.H., Oganov A.R., Popov I.A., Qian G.R., Boldyrev I.A. (2016).
    Antiferromagnetic stabilization in Ti8O12 cluster.
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 1699. (pdf-file)
  56. Mannix A. J., Zhou X.-F., Kiraly B., Wood J. D., Alducin D., Myers B. D., Liu X., Fisher B. L., Santiago U., Guest J. R., Yacaman M. J., Ponce A., Oganov A. R., Hersam M. C. and Guisinger N. P. (2015).
    Synthesis of borophenes: Anisotropic, two-dimensional boron polymorphs.
    Science 350, 1513-1516. (pdf-file)
  57. Wang Z.H., Zhou X.F., Zhang X., Zhu Q., Dong H.F., Zhao M., Oganov A.R. (2015).
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